Embrace Your Cosmic Design

Unlock the codes of your soul's path. Dive into the art and science that shapes your essence and destiny. The details of your Astrological Design are the harmonious ingredients of your empowerment and enlightenment.

In studying my Astrology, and with guidance through Tarot, I’ve confirmed my lifelong suspicion that we are all uniquely designed and loved unconditionally. With no loyalty to religion, I am in service to love and truth, which I believe many refer to as God.

As a child, I always found the beauty of life, and felt grateful. I also always found the discouragement of outside energies and felt compassion. Whenever someone would say or do something mean, careless, or selfish, I would, as any human, maybe have hurt feelings or disappointment, maybe even shame; but beyond that I always wondered what made that person do or say that? What were they struggling with? Compassion has unlocked so many doors for me and I feel it is my gift to share with others. Compassion, as I have found it, is the key to abundance and success, and with any key, you must know which locks it works with and which ones it does not.

I’m here to help you find your keys, or maybe learn how to use them; or both! The keys are in your Natal Chart, and Compassion is just one of them. Although it is the most powerful one of them all. Because without compassion, the power that our Natal Charts hold, is nothing more than words and energies that serve as tinker toys.

Self-Discovery is required for Self-Knowledge. Self-Knowledge is required for Self-Compassion. Self-Compassion is required for Self-Care. And Self-Care allows us to care for others.

You want the world to heal? Heal yourself. I’ve been doing this work for 4+ years now. And I’m here to help you.

You deserve a successful life filled with love and abundance. You deserve good health. You deserve functional relationships and career. Discover all of this and more with me!

I look forward to connecting.

Let the Cosmic Journey Begin